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임진각에 대해서 설명해 보시오
Explain about Imjingak
Imjingak (임진각) is Security tourist attraction which is only 7km away from line of truce between south and north korea.
임진각은 휴전선에서 불과 7km 정도 떨어진 안보관광지입니다.
This is one of the few DMZ tourism sites where people visit with process to check identity and others. so it is always crowded with the people especially foreign travelers who would like to understand and study Tragedy of Korean war.
이곳은 신분 확인 등의 과정을 거쳐 방문하는 몇 안 되는 DMZ관광지로, 한국전쟁의 비극을 이해하고 공부하려는 외국인 여행객들로 늘 붐빕니다.
Around Imjingak, There is Bridge of Freedom. After Armistice agreement in 1953 13,000 war prisoner were released and returned home over this bridge.
임진각 주변에는 자유의 다리가 있는데, 1953년 정전협정 이후, 전쟁포로 13,000여 명이 풀려나 이 다리를 건너 집으로 돌아갔습니다.
North korea can be seen from Imjingak , and various works of art, performance and exhibition can be seen as well throughout pyeonghwa nuri (평화누리) park which is in Imjingak.
임진각에서는 북한을 볼 수 있고, 임진각에 있는 평화누리 공원 곳곳에서 다양한 예술, 공연, 전시작품을 볼 수 있습니다.
중요한 키워드
- security tourist attraction / only 7km away from line of truce
- process to check identity / Tragedy of Korean war
- bridge of Freedom / 13,000 war prisoners
- north korea can be seen / pyeonghwa nuri (평화누리) park
영어 단어
Security tourist attraction |
안보 관광지 | line of truce | 휴전선 |
process | 절차 | identity | 신원 |
crowded | 붐비는 | Armistice agreement | 휴전협정 |
war prisoner | 전쟁포로 | return | 귀환하다 |
performance | 공연 | exhibition | 전시회 |
기타 정보
파주 포크페스티벌
서울시청에서 북서쪽으로 약 54km 떨어진 임진각은 6.25 전쟁의 비통한 한이 서려 있는 곳이다
홍대에서 평화누리공원까지 운행하는 2층버스가 2018년 9월부터 운행함.
최근 누리평화공원이 들어섬. -> Nuri peace park.
With the world peace festival in 2005, Nuri peace park was built. It is the complex where symbolize the peace and reconciliation and tourists can enjoy performance, exhibition and others. With mood of peace at present, I guess many tourists are going to visit this place.
and also behind the 임진각, there is a ritual place which is called 망배단. Displaced people come for ritual when 설날 korean new years day and 추석 korean thanksgiving day. So 임진각 is considered like the place tragedy of korean war is still alive.