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조선시대 궁중음식에 대해서 설명해 보시오
Explain about royal court cuisine in Joseon dynasty
Royal court cuisine in Joseon dynasty is the traditional food which was served in Royal palaces in Joseon Dynasty. There are some features.
궁중음식은 조선시대 궁궐에서 먹던 전통음식으로 몇가지 특징이 있습니다.
First, this royal court cuisine were made from the best ingredients all over the city of Joseon. and Royal table was called like Surasang (수라상), It is usually followed 12 dishes which are changeable by the season.
첫째, 이 궁중음식은 조선시대 전역 곳곳에서 엄선된 최고의 재료로 만들어졌고 궁중상은 수라상이라고도 불렸는데, 계절에 따라 달라지는 12가지 음식이 뒤따랐습니다.
Second, the people who cooked Royal cuisine used Bangjayugi (방짜유기) made from Bronze to check if there is poison or not in the food.
둘째, 궁중요리를 했던 사람들은 음식에 독이 있는지 없는지 확인하기 위해 청동으로 만든 방짜유기를 사용했습니다.
This royal food inherits its tradition very well, because this had to be made by strict method of royal court. that is why this food was designated as national intangible cultural heritage No 38.
이 궁중음식은 궁중의 엄격한 법 아래 만들어져야 했기 때문에, 아직까지도 그 전통이 잘 내려오고 있고, 대한민국 국가 무형문화유산 제 38호로 지정되기도 하였습니다.
관통사 블로그를 구독하시면
카카오톡에서도 쉽게 자료를 보실 수 있습니다
중요한 키워드
- was served in Royal palaces
- made from the best ingredients all over the city / followed 12 dishes / changeable by the season
- used Bangjayugi to check poison
- inherits its tradition / made by strict method / national intangible cultural heritage
영어 단어
royal court cuisine | 궁중음식 | feature | 특징 |
ingredient | 재료 | royal table | 궁중상 |
changeable | 바뀔수있는 | season | 계절 |
bronze | 청동 | check | 확인하다 |
poison | 독 | inherit | 상속받다 / 물려받다 |
designate | 지정하다 | strict | 엄격한 |
intangible cultural heritage | 무형문화유산 | follow | 뒤따르다 |
기타 정보
- 잡채 / 갈비찜 / 비빔밥 / 구절판
- Yin-yang (태양과 달) and 5 element (오방색) -> 흑 / 청 / 적 / 백 / 황
- 왕에게 음식이 올라가는 순서와 시간
- Early in the morning, restorative drinks or porridge were served.
- Around 10am, Breakfast which is called like 수라상 was served and
- Around 5pm 수라상 for dinner was served.
- And after lunch and dinner, Refreshment was served.
<오방색에 대해서 영어로 설명하기>
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